What Is Posture in Lords of the Fallen?


In Lords of the Fallen, it’s safe to say you’ll be fighting a lot. Sure, you could probably get through the whole game simply rolling around and hitting every now and then — like most seasoned Soulslike players resort to in the end — but Lords of the Fallen’s posture mechanic is easy to learn and easy to exploit for maximum damage. Here’s how posture works in Lords of the Fallen.

How does posture work?

Posture, in Lords of the Fallen, refers to someone’s composure and steadiness. If posture is depleted, then that enemy — or even you! — will be staggered and stunned momentarily, opening them up for a highly damaging grievous strike.

Posture is represented by a white circle around the dot when you lock on to an enemy. When battling weaker enemies, it may be easy to mistake the depleting ring as another indicator of their health, as it seems to deplete at a similar rate. This is only a coincidence, as different creatures have different posture levels. And each attack does different amounts of damage to an enemy’s posture.

How to perform a Grievous Strike in Lords of the Fallen

Blocking Umbral Enemies In Lords Of The Fallen
Screenshot: PC Invasion

To perform the super damaging grievous strike in Lords of the Fallen, you’ll need to fully deplete an enemy’s posture, and then parry an attack. Any attack you perform will reduce their posture, but there are some key ones to look out for:

  • Parrying an attack
  • A kick (preferably from behind)
  • A charged heavy attack (preferably from behind)

If you’re able to repeatedly parry an enemy or a boss, you’ll see their posture plummet. Once it has depleted, you must parry one more attack. At this point, they’ll drop to the floor, exhausted and thrown off their stability. The lock-on dot will flash red.

You will only have a small window to get in front of the enemy and perform a light attack. This will transform the light attack into a grievous strike. The animation of the attack will differ depending on what weapon you’re using, but it’ll always be a sight to behold.

Just be careful when parrying, as trying to do this to a boss will probably wither all of your health away. So make sure to attack or siphon between parries to regain some health.

I hope you enjoyed our guide on posture in Lords of the Fallen. Try it now, and thank us later! For even more Lords of the Fallen help, look no further than PC Invasion.







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