Just Cause maker Avalanche Studios is setting up a developer on Montreal, Canada.
This has been managed following the acquisition of Monster Closet, which the company bought back in 2021.
“2023 marks Avalanche Studios Group’s 20th anniversary, and becoming a part of Montreal’s thriving game development scene is a fantastic way to start our new chapter,” Avalanche CEO says Stefanía Halldórsdóttir said.
“With this addition to our locations, we bring on board some of the brightest talents in the industry, reinforcing our ability to create fantastic games for millions of players around the world.
Graeme Jennings, previously CEO of Monster Closet and now head of the Montreal studio, added: “From the very first moment we met, we knew that Avalanche Studios Group would be a perfect fit for us. We share the same passion for our craft and for creating great games. Not to speak about our common values around people, inclusion, collaboration, and making sure all voices are heard. If you add the fact that Avalanche has been making amazing titles for 20 years – becoming part of such a legacy and contributing to its continuation is a dream come true.”
This is the fifth studio that Avalanche has opened – the company has its headquarters in Stockholm, and outposts in New York City, Malmö, and Liverpool.
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