Can the Uncanny TV Series Prove That Ghosts Are Real?


The show is the same, with updates teased for further down the line. 

So to episode one, which focuses on Kate, an otherwise very sensible-sounding woman who grew up in a village in the 70s called Melbourn, in Cambridgeshire. She’s convinced that as a child, she repeatedly saw the apparition of a woman who she somehow knew was called Miss Howard. Howard would appear in her bedroom, would frighten Kate and at points, Kate reports, would even touch her. Spooky enough, but in 2010 Kate came across a blog post from people who lived in the house prior to her, saying they had experienced very similar phenomena from a ghostly lady they also knew as Miss Howard. The families did not know each other.

Could it have been hallucinatory effects of the mould that Kate’s dad had likely unearthed when he knocked their house together with the one next door? (Maybe, though it wouldn’t necessarily explain the people that came before.) 

Could this be an example of something akin to The Philip Experiment, where a group of Toronto students deliberately invented a ghost, who they apparently managed to manifest despite all knowing they’d made him up (Robins has a little go at this in the show, which is fascinating but one for the skeptics)?

Or could it be that somewhere, subconsciously the girls from the two families saw, or read about, a former resident of the house called Nora Howard, and misrepresented house noises, shadows in the dark and any other combinations of weird goings on with this being a ghost? Ask Kate, or Jane and Lisa, the girls who lived there before, and they will say a resounding ‘no’. And then there’s the old man with the lamp who appears to Kate and apparently sees her just as she sees him and vanishes back into the shadows…

The show is structured around Robin’s investigations, making it compelling TV. Was there a real Miss Howard? Yes! Did she die in that house? Yes! And are the former residents really able to recognise their ghost from old-timey pictures of the real Howard family? Well… maybe.







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