Swedish games firm Paradox Interactive has said it will be writing down the development costs behind 2022’s The Lamplighters League.
In a post on its investor relations portal, the company said that it would be capitalising the title’s development costs to the tune of SEK 320 million ($29.2 million). The Lamplighters League will hit Paradox’s profit before tax by around SEK 248 million ($22.6 million).
All of this is related to a revised sales forecast following the game’s launch. In other words, The Lamplighters League isn’t selling nearly as well as Paradox anticipated and so has had to tweak how the project appears on its balance sheet.
“The Lamplighters League is a fun game with many strengths,” Paradox CEO Fredrik Wester (pictured) said.
“Even though we see cautiously positive player numbers in subscription services, the commercial reception has been too weak, which is frankly a big disappointment. Game projects are by their nature always risky, but at the end of the day we haven’t performed at the level we should. It is painful but makes us more eager to roll up our sleeves and do better.”
PCGamer has also reported that The Lamplighters League developer – Harebrained Schemes – is facing layoffs. This has been confirmed by a Paradox spokesperson, saying that the number of staff at the studio has been “significantly reduced” as development closed.
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